Happy new year !
I wish you all the best for 2022!
May this year be full of softness and colours, filled with yarn and stitches slipping on your needles, lovely projects and wonderful meetings !
Inspired by Lauren @abeeinthebonnet, I took some creative resolutions for the comming year…
Be proud of what I do
My very first resolution is to be proud of what I make, what Ioffer and to stop downplaying my work and efforts…
That must come from stopping to talk about “my small activity” or saying “I’m just an auto-entrepreneur” when asked what’s my job (whichis just my status, not what I do) and finally acknowledge, recognise and clamor that I’m a designer !
I imagine, write and sell patterns, doing it all from beginning to end. Even if, sometimes, they don’t sell as much as I could have hopped, it doesn’t change the fact that my patterns have been created with my brain and my hands, while pouring all my heart into it… I can (should) be proud of that !
Push my limits
My 2nd resolution is to push my limits ans do things I haven’t dared yet to do…
This year, I really want to give some knitting classes… I’m still thinking about the what ? when ? where ? how ? I must confess it’s stressing me a bit, but it’s also exciting… So why not try my hand at it ?
Celebrate all the small steps
With 3 kids at home, I don’t spend as much time as I’d like knitting and it can feels pretty frustrating…
This year, instead of complaining of hw little I have progressed on my projects, I’m going to try to celebrate every small steps : the skeins are winded ! I made a swatch ! I casted on and made a few rows !…
The idea is to enjoy the process and every small step of it…. It should limit the frustrations (I hope). I think everyone will feel better about it…
Knit (and sew) for myself
Since I begun knitting (and sewing), I have this vision of an handmade wardrobe.
It’s clear to me that, even thouh I buy very few clothes, I don’t really take the time to make my own, which result in an almost empty closet. Don’t get me wrong : I like the idea of a minimalist wardrobe, but having a little bit more choice would feel good !
So this year, I’m going to take the time to knit (and sew) for myself.
As creating a pattern from the idea to the finished wearable garnment takes me a lot of time, I’m also going to work from already-existing patterns, from other designers as wellas from some older patterns of mines…
Have fun and experiment
In December 2021, I tried crochet by doing a Lalylala sheep and I loved the experience… Crochet is as addicting as knitting !
Lalylala crochet patterns have been on my radar for a long time, but I never tried before… Now that I have made one (and offered it), I want to make a lot more…
So in 2022, the will be some crochet for fun ! and maybe even some spinning, weaving or embroidering if I feel like it !
Did you took some resolutions for 2022 ?