Hi ! I’m Louise and I’m a knitwear designer.
Like many, I learned to knit as I child with my grandma, but scarf with too many unwanted holes and scratchy yarn discouraged me and I didn’t pursue it. Until 2007, when I went to Chile for my studies, where I picked some needles and yarn on a craft market. Not much later, I had fallen into the rabbit hole that are blogs and Ravelry, discovering new patterns, new techniques… One step at a time, I learned and then I decided to go further and knit my own patterns anf offer them to you.
The knitting patterns I create look simple, but stylish, with lovely details that makes all the difference to highlights people who wear them. They are knits I want to wear or in whoch I want to swaddle family and friends.
Besides from knitting patterns, I also decided to create a line of knitting accessories with the same state of mind : creating beautiful simple stylish objects to accompany you in your crafts. Some are made by me, others are made by craftmen I know and respect.
I hope you’ll like them !