Right now, we are facing a very serious situation (in France and worldwide), which dictates extraordinary measures.
A lot of event are being canceled or postponed. Those cancelations or postponements are absolutely necessary to limit the propagation of the virus.
If it is a sensible and responsible attitude, they are not without consequences for the organisators and the exhibitors at those events. Everyone has engaged money and time, has made lots of stock of their products. for some, those events are a major source of revenue and their canlation or postponement can really make it difficult for them (cash flow problems, stock management…) and even cause them to stop their activities.
If you have planned to attend some events (or even if you didn’t), you can help those (often smell) businesses and support them in those difficult times. You can find the list of the exhibitors on the website or social media accounts of the events. You might even discover some new creators.
If you can, go to their online shop ans order a few products and make a special order. And even if you can’t buy anything (no money, not the time, no need for it or too many already in your stash…), you can still help them : share your projects made with those indy-dyed yarn, tag the designers of the patterns you are knitting, share their content. It will help them being seen !
As for me, I should have exhibit at Knit Eat (in Lyon, France), which is postponed until June. My business is not threatened per itself, but yarn festivals make up for a big part of my business revenue.
So the fact that Knit Eat is postponed has impact on my activity. Because I invested for this event (partially for new products), my cash flow is really limited right now and I have to pause some projects (future patterns I wanted to make) because I don’t have the cash available right now.
To make up for it a little, I’m planning to reopen a online shop to offer my products (projects bags…), but the kids being at home 24/7 for an unkonwn time, it will be more complicated to work and this might take quite some time.
In the meantime, if you wish to support me, you can :
- find all my patterns on Ravelry
- support me here on Patreon (starting at 1$/month)
Take care of yourself !