2016 was a very productive year, particularly because baby knits are fast to make… But I blogged about none of them and, with lots of finished projects, I didn’t know where to start…
Today’s prompt of Yarn Love Challenge showed me the way : Stripes… So, I will show you not one, but two striped projects…
the first one is a small cardi which was for a really long time in my Ravelry queue (since it was published actually) : (Petit) Arc-en-ciel by Solenn Couix Loarer.
I had planned to knit it with Pénélope yarn from De Rerum Natura, but Ulysse and that lovely soft grey were calling me to transform them into it… I couldn’t resis : the Pénélope version will wait (and still is) and I casted on…
I decided to not make colorfull stripes. Instead, I worked white (col. Sel) stripes on the grey background (col. Goéland) to get a really soft and sweet cardi (soft was my word for 2016 and it will certainly be too in 2017…).
I’m in love with this yarn, it is soft, light, fluffy, warm… I don’t have enough word to tell how much I love it. It is one of my most favorites yarn and I have lots of projects, finished and to come, in it. I can only recommand it !
I discovered the second pattern (and its designer) via a talk on Instagram with Biroulegem and FolieOrdinaire. Thanks to (or because of) them, I’ve discovered several Northern designers and my baby to-do grew quite a lot…
The pattern I used for this jumper is called Olive’s Jumpsuit, by Pernille Larsen. The model is lovely, I’m in love with the result. But I wasn’t so much in love with the explanations. I found them to be a bit to short and not always clear, which make me hesitate to nuy other patterns from her, event if they are so much more lovely ones…
After I finished it, after putting it on for the first time on baby Madeleine, I had to lengthen the body by 6 good cm to get a real 3 months size. We don”t close the back button either : is-it because the collar is to tight or that my baby girl as a too thick double chin…
I used (again) Ulysse from De Rerum Natura (I’m in love, I tell you !) : col. Sel, Doré and Goéland. Knitted with 3-mm needles, it gives a dense but still soft ans squishy fabric… I love it !
Initially, I had plan to knit the jumper all in yellow and white stripes. Unfortunately, I got to the end of my Doré ball of yarn before I finished the body. Instead of ordering more, I dove in my stash and chose this soft grey (the same as the cardi). I don’t regret it : I find the result really classy and sweet !
Nothing to do with the knitting part, but I’m in love with those feet… is it bad ? 😀