I hesitated a lot before publishing this post. Because, by end of April, hat and mittens are not really seasonal items anymore… But the weather from the last few days showed me we still needed them, so…
Baa Ble Hat was published in March 2015, for the following Shetland Wool Week (in october 2015). I knew I couldn’t attend this event, but I wanted desperately to knit it. So I added it to my long knitting to-do list…
Early october, when Shetland wool Week was in full swing, I dove into my stash to find the perfect yarn to knit it (Gilliatt from DE Rerum Natura) : it was my way to participate, at least by mind and kniting, to this event I really wish to attend one day !
This hat was a fast knit, and a fun one too : seeing little sheeps appears, for a knitting and yarn fan, is super attractive !
I really liked the finished product, but hte hat was a bit small for me… Not a problem ! My little girl liked it too and she just needed a hat to keep her ears warm when going to school… She adopted it !
End of November, her head still warm with her hat, my girl was complaining about her cold fingers… You bet ! With just fingerless mitts…
So, I quickly knitted her a pair of mitts. And because I really love those little sheeps, I decided to add some on them… My girl is happy, and so am I !