Like always, kids grow up, making us thinking they have nothing else to do (and play). Even when we’re trying really hard to keep them small, it doen’t stop them from growing up and Oscar is quite a good example ! It is long gone the time when I had a small infant hugging in my arms. Oscar is a small, Wait ! A BIG 2-years-old boy and 3-years-old clothes don”t fit him anymore (let’s not talk about the last pullovers I knitted him, in size 2…). As an unworthy mum, I tried to make the size-2 pullovers last longrs, but there was not enought pulling on the sleeves… Early January, I resigned myself to knit a size 4 new pullover and I dove right in my knitting queue to find the perfect pattern for Oscar.
Read MoreDoodling knitting : The Doodler
For a long time, I considered Stephen West patterns too eccentric, too flashy for myself. I was completely captivated by the construction, the modularity and the oh so different projects resulting, but I was really hesitant to knit one of his patterns, not knowing which one to choose, and whith wich yarn and colourways… whan he announced last october the beginning of his new mystery KAL : the doodler for november… I LOVED the video !!! I had the song stuck in my head for days and days… ‘Cause Baby you’re a knitter, all over Ravelry and Twitter… Make your needles knit, knit, purl… Don’t thank me if you have it too now ! 🙂 At that time, I knew that it was the best way to try one of his patterns.
Read MoreSweet spring
Doux Printemps (which means sweet spring in French), is the name of my latest knitting pattern, published on march 20th on Ravelry. But let’s go back to the first quarter of 2015. In order to have a bit more visibility and regularity for publishing new designs, I had decided to create 4 knitting patterns (shawl or accessories), one for each season, to be published in 2016, at each season change (which means you can expect a new pattern on June 20th, then September 22nd and December 21st). At that time, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to make as knitting patterns, but I had very specific images of the context I wanted for the photoshoot and I knew I wanted to work with indie dyers and “luxurious” yarns… For the other season, you’ll see when that time commes, but for Spring, I had this vision of an orchard in blooms and “Thinking about japanese spring” from (Vi)laines was the perfect color to stick with my theme !
Read MoreAfter moving, my blog comes back to life !
I haven’t posted anything on old my blog (in French only) since July ! Can you believe it !!! I must say Instagram didn’t help with that. It’s so much easier to share on IG : take a picture, add 3 words and it’s done ! No need to treat 12 pixtures, write a long post… Yeah ! Instagram is easy and I like it ! But since Christmas, something was missing : I needed a space where I could write, tell long stories, show 15 photos without ruining everybody’s feed… But at the same time, I was fed up with canalblog and its numerous ads and, when I created my website and my online shop, I’ve always imagined I’d move my blog over there… It took me quite some time, because I took this opportunity to change a bit my website too, but here we are ! I managed to move all my old blog posts and comentaries and you will be able to read in French or English as you like… (but all old posts aren’t translated yet ) Welcome on my new blog !!! I don’t promise new posts every day, not either every week, but, from time to time, when I feel like it, I’ll write a post here and I like that idea ! PS : If you were followinf my feed, don’t forget to change it by this one, :
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