Short rows are a technique that allows to add partial rows to a project in order to shape it : to form the heel on a sock, to lift a collar on the back, to make darts for the bust, to shape a shawl…
Wrap&Turn is one of the techniques to create short rows. It consists of wrapping one stitch with the working yarn before turning your project to work the next row. Later in your project, when meeting a wrapped stitch, both the wrap and the sitch are worked together. This prevents holes in the fabric at the turning points of the short rows.
Working a « Wrap & Turn » on the right side
Step 1
Work as indicated in the pattern until the Wrap&Turn indication (W+T).
Pass the yarn to the front.
Step 2
Slip the next stitch from left needle to right needle (as if purling it).
Step 3
Pass the yarn to the back of your project. The starnd of yarn is wrapping the slipped stitch.
Step 4
Slip the last stitch back from right needle to left needle.
Step 5
Turn your project. You have the wrong side facing you now.
you are ready to work the next WS row.
Working a « Wrap & Turn » on the wrong side
Step 1
Work as indicated in the pattern until the Wrap&Turn indication (W+T).
Pass the yarn to the back.
Step 2
Slip the next stitch from left needle to right needle (as if purling it).
Step 3
Pass the yarn to the front of your project.
Step 4
Slip the last stitch back from right needle to left needle.
Step 5
Turn your project. You have the right side facing you now.
You are ready to work the next RS row.
Rendering of the wraps on the right side
This is what thewrapped stitches look like after 4 short rows (2 on the right side, 2 on the wrong side).
Working a wrapped stitch on the right side
When you are working a RS row and you meet a wrapped stitch, here is how to work it.
Step 1
Slip the point of the right needle from below into the front of the wrap.
Step 2
Then slip the right needle into the wrapped stitch as if knitting it.
Step 3
Pass the strand of yarn around the tip of the right needle and pass this new stitch through the wrapped stitch and the wrap, as if you were knitting them together.
Working a wrapped stitch on the wrong side
When you are working a WS row and you meet a wrapped stitch, here is how to work it.
Step 1
Slip the point of the right needle from below into the back of the wrap.
Step 2
Slip the point of the right needle into the wrapped stitch as if purling it.
Step 3
Pass the strand of yarn around the tip of the right needle and pass this new stitch through the wrapped stitch and the wrap, as if you were purling them together.
Result after a few rows
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