Knitted chain stitch has the appearance of a chain stitch embroidered later on stockinette, but it is in fact knitted as the same time as the row.
Créating and setting up the chain stitch
Work the border stitch as indicated in the pattern. Here, I knitted 1 stitch, but it can be 3 slipped stitches…
Knit through front and back loop (Kfb).
With tip of left needle, pick the 2nd stitches on right needle, passing in front of the 1st stitch.
Let those 2 stitches off the right needle : one is on the left needle, the other is free.
Pick the free stitch with the right needle.
The result looks like a 1/1 LC cable realised with bothh stitches from Kfb. The chain stitch is on the left needle.
Chain stitch row
Work 1/1 Lc cable. In this tutorial, I work it without cable needle.
Knit the 2nd stitch on left needle, passing behind the 1st stitch.
Then knit the 1st stitch on left needle.
You have worked one 1/1 LC cable needle. the chain stitch is passing on the front.
Place the last stitch from right needle (= chain stitch) on the left needle.
Repeat until you arrive at the end of the row. Chain stitch is moving to the left on the row.
Suppression of chain stitch
Once you have worked the chain stitch row, you need to supress the chain stitch.
Here, I stopped my chain stitch row when I had é stitches left one left needle (chain stitch +1 stitch), but you can stop it chan you have 4 stitches left…
Knit 2 stitches together (K2tog).
Chain stitch disappear under the border stitch.
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