This Cast on alternates stitches in 2 different colours.
2 bals of different colours C1 and C2 and a circular needle.
Step 1
Hold the 2 strands of yarn together and make a slipknot with them.
Pass the slipknot onto the needle and tighten. It looks like you have 2 stitches, but the slipknot doesn’t count for the cast on as it will be taken of at the end.
Step 2
To cast on a first stitch in C1, pull C1 over your index and C2 over your thumb.
Step 3
Pass the tip of your needle into the loop formed by C2 around your thumb. Wrap C1 around the tip of the needle (below, front then up) to make a stitch, then pull this new stitch in C1 out of the loop (C2).
Drop C2 from your thumb and tighten the yarn at the base of the stitch.
Step 4
Pass C1 above C2.
Next, to cast on a stitch in C2, pull C2 over your index and C1 over your thumb.
Step 5
Pass the tip of your needle into the loop formed by C1 around your thumb. Wrap C2 around the tip of the needle (below, front then up) to make a stitch, then pull this new stitch in C2 out of the loop (C1).
Drop C2 from your thumb and tighten the yarn at the base of the stitch.
Step 6
Pass C2 above C1.
Pull C1 over your index and C2 over your thumb.
Step 7
Repeat steps 3 to 6 until you have the correct number of stitches.
!!! The slip knot made at the beginning with the 2 strands of yarns held together doesn’t count !!!
Step 8
Slide all the stitches to the other tip of the circular needle so that the slipknot is near the tip.
Step 9
Drop the slipknot from the needle and pull gently the yarns to untie it.
The cast on is finished. You are ready to continue to work on your project.
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